About Me

Professional experience

  • 2023 Summer intern at the Allen Institute for AI (AI2) in Seattle.
  • 2021 - present - PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam.
  • 2019-2021 - ML engineer and team lead at DPG Media. I worked on responsible news recommendation for major Dutch news titles such as de Volkskrant, het Parool, AD and nu.nl, reaching roughly 10 million users a day.
  • 2019 - Research intern at DPG Media working on interpretability in transformers for abstractive summarization (master thesis).
  • 2018 - Research intern at Infosys in Bangalore working on robotic navigation in controlled environments.
  • 2016-2017 - ML researcher at YoungCapital working on finding relevant candidates given a vacancy and vice versa.


Teaching & Supervision

  • 2023 - PhD teaching assistant for DL1 and NLP1.
  • 2022 - PhD teaching assistant for Deep Learning 1, a first year MSc AI course.
  • 2021 - PhD teaching assistant for Natural Language Processing 1, a first year MSc AI course.
  • 2021 - Guido Ansem, MSc AI VU. Fact preserving text generation. Co-supervised with Lucas de Haas and Peter Bloem.
  • 2020–2021 - Claartje Barkhof, MSc AI UvA. Information Flow in VAEs. Co-supervised with Lucas de Haas, David Stap and Wilker Aziz.
  • 2019–2020 - Henning Bartsch, MSc AI UvA. Neural News Recommendation. Co-supervised with Lucas de Haas and Maartje ter Hoeve.